Physical Therapy Can Keep Sports Injuries at Bay
Physical therapy helps people recover from sports injuries, but it also can help prevent them, an expert says.
Play It Safe With Winter Sports
Skiing, snowboarding, skating and sledding are great ways to have winter fun, but be sure to take steps to reduce your risk of injuries, experts say.
Fractures have long-term impacts on quality of life in older people
Single and multiple hip, vertebral, and rib fractures strongly affect the quality of life of older adults over a prolonged period of time, according to a new study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
Why static stretching may not be as effective as you think
For a decade, the research has been clear: static, hold-the-pose stretches prior to athletic activity diminish performance and might even open athletes up to injury.
Many diseases increase the risks of hip fracture surgery
Parkinson's disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatic diseases, alcoholism and mental health disorders increase the risk of surgical complications after a hip fracture surgery, a new study analyzing nationwide registers finds.